Friday, December 30, 2011

Existential Questions

The other day, I was organizing my "Digital Collage" folder on the computer and stumbled upon some wonderful gray female figures. Several of them evoked thoughtful and angsty feelings in me. The question, "If the cruel and critical voices in my head stopped talking, would only silence remain?" popped into my head. It stewed there all day, and I decided to do a spread with the thoughtful figures and the various unsettling questions that echo through my being in an attempt to separate me from my inner peace.

In case you can't read them, the questions are:

  • If the cruel and critical voices in my head stopped talking, would only silence remain?
  • Have my career choices led to a dead end?
  • If my jokes amuse only me, are they still funny?
  • If I let my authentic self out, will my world explode?
  • Does the fluctuation of pounds relate in any way to the value of my soul?
  • Am I not girly enough to nab a guy who is a better man than I am?
  • Will my shattered spiritual self ever be whole and strong again?
  • Will my awkward awkward ever feel OK?
  • If I could catch the magical moments in each day, what song would my heart sing? 


  1. I think we sometimes need to face that nasty little voice in order to silence it.

    Just say to yourself: this is my year and I am going to make things happen.

    And it will be so.

  2. Yes, indeed, Dena. I'm right there with you. Facing down the nasty little voices is part of my goodbye to 2011. This (2012) is my year, and I'm gonna fill my head with words of MY choosing.
